Greens Committees
The Greens at Desert Hills
Committee Duties & Responsibilities
Architectural Review Committee
Their duties & responsibilities are clearly defined in the Covenants. The Architectural Review Committee acts independently from the Board in the performance of their duties & decisions. The Board only becomes involved if a resident appeals the decision of the committee. The committee must provide a written report to the Board following every meeting, including the date of meeting, committee members in attendance, and a summary of minutes of their meeting.
Landscape Observation Committee
This is an advisory committee to the Board and as such they can only make recommendations to the Board. The Board must then review and either accept or reject the committee’s findings. Their duties are:
- Monthly walk-arounds of The Greens, providing a written report of their findings to the Board.
- The committee is to notify the Board of any landscape problems, including irrigation and plant issues, additions and repairs.
- They must provide written reports to the Board following every meeting, to include date of meeting, committee members in attendance, and a summary of minutes of their meeting.
Pool Committee
The pool committee is a working committee in that they aide the pool contractor in upkeep & maintenance of the pool, bathrooms & clubhouse area. Their duties are:
- Opening the pool area each season (cleaning the bathrooms, bringing out the tables & chairs, sweeping of the sitting areas and winterizing the pool area.
- They are responsible for printing “The Greens Pool Rules” each season and providing all residents a copy as well as posting it the bulletin board.
- They shall assist the pool contractor in maintaining compliance with any State or City pool regulations.
- They must provide written reports to the Board following every meeting, to include date of meeting, committee members in attendance, and a summary of minutes of their meeting.
Social Committee
The social committee is a working committee and is responsible for setting up any recreational meetings for the residents of the Greens. Their duties are:
- To determine any appropriate get-togethers for the residents & homeowners. This can include pool pot-lucks, yearly parties, or any fun gathering.
- They have a yearly $200.00 budget at their disposal to do with as they decide, without seeking approval of the Board.
- They must provide written reports to the Board following every meeting, to include date of meeting, committee members in attendance, and a summary of minutes of their meeting.