Greens Approved Plant List
The Greens Recommended Plant List
May 6, 2019 (Updated 7-27-21*)
Common name [Latin name]
-Arizona Cypress [Cypressus arizonica]
-Ash (Modesto, Green, Bonito most common) [Fraximus…]
-Bradford Pear (non-fruit bearing) [Pyrus calleryana]
-Chinese Pistache [Pistache chinensis]
-Crepe Myrtle [Lagerstroemia indica]
-Desert Willow [Chilopsis linearis]
-Fruitless Olive [Oleo europaea ‘Majestic Beauty’, Oleo europaea ‘Swan Hill’, or
Oleo europaea ‘Wilsonii’]
-Italian Cypress [Cypressus sempervirens]
-Juniper (Tangelosa, etc.) [Juniperus…]
-Mexican Elder [Sumbucus Mexicana]
-Oak (Red) [Quercus…]
-Purple Plum (non-fruit bearing) [Prunus cerasifera]
-Redbud, Eastern [Cercis canadensis]
-Texas Mountain Laurel [Sophora secundiflora]
-Vitex (Chaste Tree) [Vitex agnus-castus]
The Greens Recommended Plant List (5-6-19) Page 2
Common name, [Latin name]
-Abelia [Abelia x grandiflora]
-Arizona Rosewood [Vauquelinia californica]
-Bird of Paradise, Yellow [Caesalpinia gilliesli]
-Boxwood [Buxus sempervirens]
-Butterfly Bush [Buddleja…]
-Cotoneaster (Payni, Varigated) [Cotoneaster…]
-Crepe Myrtle [Lagerstroemia indica]
-Euonymus [Euonymus…]
-Indian Hawthorne [Rhaphiolepsis indica]
-Holly (Yaupon) [Ilex…]
-Jasmine, Showy [Jasminum floridum]
-Juniper [Juniperus…]
-Lantana [Lantana…]
-Ligustrum, Glossy (Privet) [Ligustrum lucidum]
-Mock Orange [Pittosporum tobira]
-Nandina (Regular, Dwarf) [Nandina demestica]
-Oleander [Nerium oleander]
-Pampas Grass [Cortaderia selloana]
-Photinia, Red Tip (Fraser) [Photinia x fraseri]
-Pyracantha [Pyracantha…]
-Quince [Chaenomeles speciose]
-Rose [Rosa…]
-Rosemary [Rosmarinus…]
-Russian Sage [Perovskia atriplicifolia]
-Sage, Texas [Leucophyllum…]
-Silverberry [Elaeagnus pungens]
-Yucca, Red [Herperaloe parviflora]
The Greens Recommended Plant List (5-6-19) Page 3
COMMON AREA TREES (Not recommended in front yards –
either due to mess created, pest problems, or too much
water needed)
-Live Oak [Quercus virginiana]
-Sycamore (London Plane, etc) [Platanus…]
-Weeping Willow [Salix alba]
Cactus, any kind (barrel, prickly pear, etc) [Cactaceae…]
Gopher plant (Spurge) [Euphorbia…]
Mesquite tree or bush [Prosopis…]
(Mesquite do not do well in irrigated areas – too much water)
Palm Trees [Aracaceae…]
*Updated 6-25-20 -Fruitless Olive tree (3 cultivars) added
*Updated 7-27-21 -Mesquite Trees and bushes not allowed
*Updated 7-27-21 -Redbud Tree (Eastern)
(Eastern grows taller. Western hard to find & produces a lot of seed)